To equip youth with the skills to make the healthiest choices.
Equipping Youth programs provide youth with the opportunity to develop character traits and skills that enable them to make positive choices when faced with pressures to conform to risk behaviors.
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Recent research has shown that teens who participate in Powerful Choices are more likely to choose to avoid risk behaviors that may result in negative consequences. In surveys, participants made gains in the expected direction on attitudes and opinions towards sexual activity, ideas about what a person should do when being pressured, interaction with parents and creating healthy personal boundaries and goals.
Parent Meeting:
Equipping Youth's staff conduct meetings giving parents a chance to ask questions about the content of the lessons and the expected outcomes.
Community Meetings include:
Speakers with positive motivational messages, information from community providers of youth and family services, and opportunity for networking

Students’ Comments:
“What I liked about Powerful Choices is the idea that I have the power to choose the best for myself. No one can stand in my way.”
“I learned the way to succeed in life; – by wisdom and ambition with excellence and all the other wonderful character traits. Powerful Choices is something I will definitely use now and later in life.”
“We are so glad you came to teach us the truth about the consequences of doing drugs and other risks and the damage to our future marriages that being careless can cause.”
“I can stand up for myself by being assertive and believing in myself. Also by looking at all of the positives about myself. If I look at the positives about myself it will help my self-esteem and I will be more confident.”

Get in touch with Equipping Youth to learn more
about our work and how you can get involved.
PO Box 1175, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406